Share The Love & Be Kind To Yourself!

Share The Love & Be Kind To Yourself!


How to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Dating During Valentine’s Day

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, Valentine’s Day can be difficult for your mental health. Some people feel pressured by their partner and society’s expectations stemming from the heavy commercialization and advertising, while others, coupled with the power of social media, are constantly comparing their relationships with those of their peers and even of celebrities that they see on TV.

Valentine’s Day can remind us of how lonely or heartbroken we are and make us feel bad about our social skills or insecurities. With one in every four people dealing with mental health issues, we’re likely to know someone who’s affected, if we aren’t ourselves. This is why we’re giving you tips on how to take care of your mental health while dating this Valentine’s Day.

Manage Your Expectations

Many people are fascinated with the idea of a fairy-tale romance, but these are rarely seen in real life. Instead, consider going into situations with no expectations. We’re not suggesting you shouldn’t have standard or a “type”, but beware that when expectations are not aligned, Valentine’s Day can lead to conflict between couples.
It can also be detrimental to your self-esteem if your companion does not match the effort you do or doesn’t give it as much thought as you do. This can be an issue in forming relationships while couples are still getting to know each other, as well as mature relationships.

Don’t Jeopardize Your Mental Health.

On Valentine’s Day, some of us may feel obligated to put on a decent show to impress our loved ones, by either buying the perfect gift, planning a romantic getaway, or writing a special poem. Taking care of your mental health is one of the most important things you can do.
Don’t buy an expensive gift if it will put you in debt and increase your feelings of stress. Don’t do things that make you feel generally uneasy just to please someone; your happiness and mental health are most probably all your loved one is concerned about.

Recognize That Romance Is Unique to Each Individual.

Some people may be amazingly romantic souls – whether single or in a relationship, they may celebrate the day and the overall sentimental feeling it brings. However, everyone’s definition of romance is different, and some people find Valentine’s Day to be an awkward chore. Other’s appreciate different gifts as well; an intimate cuddle, a pleasant chat during a cozy diner, or a quiet, hand-in-hand walk on a beach can be the nicest things you can give.
Others may yet prefer a more extravagant romantic gesture. However, it’s vital to discuss your similarities and differences and be comfortable in expressing your needs with one another to ensure your content. Expecting the other person to interpret your thoughts can cause tension. While you can respectfully disagree, but it’s important to discuss it.


Matters of love can be wonderful, but can also be unpredictable, dramatic, and even harmful to our mental health at times. This is to encourage you to start showing yourself love by improving your confidence, boost your self-esteem and mental wellbeing to help you cope with Valentine’s Day more positively, whether in a relationship or alone.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Advent Prestige Care, LLC.